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Poker in the nuclear winter

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I know this is a strange title for my first thread. But, wait! It gets weirder. Here was my very first Card Player column that explained, in a bizarre but hard-to-forget way, one of the key concepts in poker. The concept is so widely ignored by serious players today that I think a reminder is in order.

Let me know what you think.

-- Mike Caro
the "Mad Genius of Poker"

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Posted by: @iruleforum

I know this is a strange title for my first thread. But, wait! It gets weirder. Here was my very first Card Player column that explained, in a bizarre but hard-to-forget way, one of the key concepts in poker. The concept is so widely ignored by serious players today that I think a reminder is in order.


Let me know what you think.

-- Mike Caro
the "Mad Genius of Poker"

Hey Mike, it's ironic that one of the biggest movies this year was "Frozen!"


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Posted by: @iruleforum

I know this is a strange title for my first thread. But, wait! It gets weirder. Here was my very first Card Player column that explained, in a bizarre but hard-to-forget way, one of the key concepts in poker. The concept is so widely ignored by serious players today that I think a reminder is in order.


Let me know what you think.

-- Mike Caro
the "Mad Genius of Poker"

NOTE: The link to the article that I wanted you to discuss has apparently been removed. You can always google "poker nuclear winter" if you're curious.


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Yes, in the conditions of a nuclear winter there is nothing left to do but play poker:)
