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Describe your greatest strength and your biggest challenge

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The first couple of thing I'd like to hear from you is about your game:

  1. What is your greatest strength playing cash and in a tournament? Often it differs.
  2. What is your biggest challenge in both games? I'll jump back on tomorrow and respond.

I'd appreciate details. The more specifics you describe, your leaks will likely appear.

Cya :)

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Hi, Donna --

Glad to see you here.

(1) My greatest strength is that I cheer for my opponents and don't care if I lose. Doing this won't change the cards, but it's a mental trick I teach to keep from being bothered by bad beats.

If you cheer for opponents and they win, you're rooting for the winning side. If they lose, you get a consolation prize -- the pot. I know how insane that sounds at first, but it actually works and it's why I've been credited for never getting upset in poker games.

(2) I don't know what you mean by "both games," so I'll leave that one for others to answer.

Straight Flushes,
Mike Caro

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one of my strengths in playing is being able to determine what type of player i am playing which better helps in determining their range of hands they will play from their flop i can make adjustments accordingly to determine where they are at.......i am really good at math and can instantly determine my outs and % of hitting.......

my challenge in both games is getting the God complex when i am running hot and that interferes with my ability to read my opponents.....2 prime examples are mtts....2nd break in one i had amassed 180k chips and 2nd in chips was at 33k......i ended finished like 13th because i was making bad calls against shorter stacks once in the money (i.e UTG shove 20% of my stack at me and i got AQ off) any other time i just fold hand being i was UTG+1 but because i had so many chips i called and even tho it was a coin flip against his 77. the fault lies 7 more to act and i could got into more trouble but being CL with like 18 to go i got sidetracked and went downhill from there......
the 2nd MTT was same way amassed so many chips i had like 100k over 2nd in chips but this one i didnt even cash because i was gettin involved into hands i would have normally folded due to action. this MTT i actually bubbled 2 spots outside the money.......

i will think about this post some more and will post again in this, it is 2 really good questions, but my game differs from 9 table cash and 6max

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Posted by: @iruleforum

one of my strengths in playing is being able to determine what type of player i am playing which better helps in determining their range of hands they will play from their flop i can make adjustments accordingly to determine where they are at.......i am really good at math and can instantly determine my outs and % of hitting.......

my challenge in both games is getting the God complex when i am running hot and that interferes with my ability to read my opponents.....2 prime examples are mtts....2nd break in one i had amassed 180k chips and 2nd in chips was at 33k......i ended finished like 13th because i was making bad calls against shorter stacks once in the money (i.e UTG shove 20% of my stack at me and i got AQ off) any other time i just fold hand being i was UTG+1 but because i had so many chips i called and even tho it was a coin flip against his 77. the fault lies 7 more to act and i could got into more trouble but being CL with like 18 to go i got sidetracked and went downhill from there......
the 2nd MTT was same way amassed so many chips i had like 100k over 2nd in chips but this one i didnt even cash because i was gettin involved into hands i would have normally folded due to action. this MTT i actually bubbled 2 spots outside the money.......

i will think about this post some more and will post again in this, it is 2 really good questions, but my game differs from 9 table cash and 6max

You too Mike! Thanks much for replying. I loved how you went into explaining your celebrate-their-win mindset on my podcast. You personally taught me to do that in 2000 and it dramatically shifted my game to the better. I like weird :)

Ref "both games"... Cash vs tournament style. People often shift their game differently.

A Big Girl hug!


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Posted by: @iruleforum

Posted by: @iruleforum

one of my strengths in playing is being able to determine what type of player i am playing which better helps in determining their range of hands they will play from their flop i can make adjustments accordingly to determine where they are at.......i am really good at math and can instantly determine my outs and % of hitting.......

my challenge in both games is getting the God complex when i am running hot and that interferes with my ability to read my opponents.....2 prime examples are mtts....2nd break in one i had amassed 180k chips and 2nd in chips was at 33k......i ended finished like 13th because i was making bad calls against shorter stacks once in the money (i.e UTG shove 20% of my stack at me and i got AQ off) any other time i just fold hand being i was UTG+1 but because i had so many chips i called and even tho it was a coin flip against his 77. the fault lies 7 more to act and i could got into more trouble but being CL with like 18 to go i got sidetracked and went downhill from there......
the 2nd MTT was same way amassed so many chips i had like 100k over 2nd in chips but this one i didnt even cash because i was gettin involved into hands i would have normally folded due to action. this MTT i actually bubbled 2 spots outside the money.......

i will think about this post some more and will post again in this, it is 2 really good questions, but my game differs from 9 table cash and 6max

You too Mike! Thanks much for replying. I loved how you went into explaining your celebrate-their-win mindset on my podcast. You personally taught me to do that in 2000 and it dramatically shifted my game to the better. I like weird :)

Ref "both games"... Cash vs tournament style. People often shift their game differently.

A Big Girl hug!


The way you journal about your game is one of the best ways to strengthen and plug your leaks. Smart. Really smart.

I look forward to more of your clarity.

BTW simply acknowledging your God complex is a great way to disconnect rather than fuel it.


