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The Adventures of MDawg

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This is a continuation of MDawg's casino report trips as started at WOV. I don't see the point in returning this thread to WOV as it seems not appreciated there. In any case, the Alexa rank of WOV has been plummeting since my thread was suspended, so I think I would rather just resume it here.

As background, I used to play very heavily, my average bet was around $3000. I quit at some point, life intervened and I felt like I was getting too into it, and took about a decade hiatus, returned to play about two years ago. Haven’t had any losing trips since my return, and I stopped over all ahead a decade ago. Yes, life’s been good to me, so far!

My usual games are double deck BJ and Baccarat. I play with $50K lines at most of the major resorts in Vegas. I used to play in both Vegas and Tahoe (nowhere else), but since resuming gambling two years ago all my play has been in Vegas. We (the wife (who does no gamble at all, anywhere) and I) still visit Tahoe, but I do not play in Tahoe any longer.

Been here in Vegas since Tuesday. Won 5K earlier in the week, all at Baccarat, almost took a major spill Thursday. Was down -18, pulled another -10, lost a couple or more from that, then gradually rallied with an average bet of only 500 to win back everything, and stop at just above even.

Friday didn't play at all as we were at the hockey game that evening as casino invited guests, in their suite and with ice rink side seats, and between going to the gym and lounging around, I didn't have time for casino action.

I won another 1550 today, tipped out a couple hunny along the way. Played just a couple shoes.

Had a player run at the end and declared that I would leave when it did, and when it ended...I left! bringing the winner's envelope to about 7K.

During pretty much the same period that I played, a guy came up with three grand and declared that he had twenty minutes to play until he caught the plane. He took that 3 to about 9 at one point but kept playing. In my mind, I was much does this guy want? He got back to even and none ahead twice, but rallied each time. He kept playing. What was the goal? Did he even know?

In any case he walked with only one purple chip...down -2500.

Money management!

Packing now, onwards to the next resort later today. Cheerio!

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At casinos if you win, even consistently, at what they view as a game of chance, no one molests you. Win, especially consistently, at what is viewed as a game of skill, and you will be handicapped or banned (been there). Baccarat is viewed as a game of chance. Blackjack as a game of skill.

Which is why no one bothers me no matter how much or consistently I win at Baccarat.

Checked into the second resort. This is a different style suite haven't stayed in before. Great layout. Very modern.

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You're sadly mistaken on the bolded part.
