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Casino Why Wild Streaks Happen In Casino Gambling

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You are at the craps table and the 12 rolls four times in a row. The odds of that happening are immense. At blackjack, two people come to the table at the same time and both get blackjacks --- back to back. After that you watch their play and they are not advantage players. They don’t even know basic strategy. A guy hits two inside numbers in a row at roulette. Then he bets the outside red and black and wins six in a row!

The same woman wins two lotteries in New Jersey. Two people, a father and a son, have train accidents on the same day in two separate years. Someone is hit by lightning not twice but three times. You are thinking of a friend from years back and the next day that friend contacts you on Facebook.

These all seem to be amazing events. Yet, how amazing are they --- how amazing are they really?
Not as amazing as you think.

A great new book “The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day” by David J. Hand tackles the math behind “improbable events” and even supposedly “impossible” events.

Let me give you some examples from our casino gambling world: A self-proclaimed dice controller (no not me) learns the skill from a class he took and for several trips to the casino, after practicing for several weeks, he wins --- session after session for several days. He has never won more than one trip in a row in his life. That streak must prove he has dice control ability, right? No, not really. Pure chance has wild swings in fortune for casino gamblers.

A blackjack player comes upon the simplest card counting method of all time; he studies goes to the casino and loses session after session --- about 10 in a row. The card counting system must not work. No, not really. Pure chance has wild swings in fortune for casino gamblers.

I can go on and on. Wild streaks; wild wins and wild losses occur in casinos; they occur all the time. Why is that so? This book will explain it all.

Are there advantage players in craps and blackjack (and video poker and poker and Pai Gow Poker)? Yes. But the proof of the pudding is not a few wild streaks even if those streaks are seemingly mind-boggling. To establish advantage takes far more proof than just “improbable” events occurring.

I think readers on this web site will enjoy the book and if you aren’t schooled in improbability theory the book will open your eyes.

Is the book so mathematically difficult that the average reader such as me will be at a loss to understand it? No. Author David Hand has been able to make the concepts in the book totally understandable.

If you are interested in the improbable (or gambling) I think this book will speak to you.

Frank Scoblete author of I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack

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Posted by: @iruleforum

You are at the craps table and the 12 rolls four times in a row. The odds of that happening are immense. At blackjack, two people come to the table at the same time and both get blackjacks --- back to back. After that you watch their play and they are not advantage players. They don’t even know basic strategy. A guy hits two inside numbers in a row at roulette. Then he bets the outside red and black and wins six in a row!

The same woman wins two lotteries in New Jersey. Two people, a father and a son, have train accidents on the same day in two separate years. Someone is hit by lightning not twice but three times. You are thinking of a friend from years back and the next day that friend contacts you on Facebook.

These all seem to be amazing events. Yet, how amazing are they --- how amazing are they really?
Not as amazing as you think.

A great new book “The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day” by David J. Hand tackles the math behind “improbable events” and even supposedly “impossible” events.

Let me give you some examples from our casino gambling world: A self-proclaimed dice controller (no not me) learns the skill from a class he took and for several trips to the casino, after practicing for several weeks, he wins --- session after session for several days. He has never won more than one trip in a row in his life. That streak must prove he has dice control ability, right? No, not really. Pure chance has wild swings in fortune for casino gamblers.

A blackjack player comes upon the simplest card counting method of all time; he studies goes to the casino and loses session after session --- about 10 in a row. The card counting system must not work. No, not really. Pure chance has wild swings in fortune for casino gamblers.

I can go on and on. Wild streaks; wild wins and wild losses occur in casinos; they occur all the time. Why is that so? This book will explain it all.

Are there advantage players in craps and blackjack (and video poker and poker and Pai Gow Poker)? Yes. But the proof of the pudding is not a few wild streaks even if those streaks are seemingly mind-boggling. To establish advantage takes far more proof than just “improbable” events occurring.

I think readers on this web site will enjoy the book and if you aren’t schooled in improbability theory the book will open your eyes.

Is the book so mathematically difficult that the average reader such as me will be at a loss to understand it? No. Author David Hand has been able to make the concepts in the book totally understandable.

If you are interested in the improbable (or gambling) I think this book will speak to you.

Frank Scoblete author of I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack


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Understanding randomness is the core of casino gambling. Variance or dispersion from standard expected results does happen and rather keeps happening. Variance makes the randomness i.e. unpredictability an absolute truth and a "game of chance", unbeatable, in the true sense. Variance may go positive, extreme positive, negative, extreme negative or it may well be absolutely balanced (closest to mean value),too.
If we take coin flipping, for instance, getting 10-25 heads/tails in a row may look weird or rather impossible to many but in reality, it can happen any moment. Those who go to casinos once in a while may never see a streak of 20+ of any EC bet but those who are regular and experienced would have seen such things many times in many of the games.

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Wild streaks, also known as winning or losing streaks, can happen in casino gambling due to the random nature of the games. The outcomes of games such as roulette, slot machines, and blackjack are determined by chance, and sometimes, the odds can work in a player's favor, leading to a winning streak. On the other hand, a losing streak can also occur due to the randomness of the games, where the odds are not in the player's favor. It is essential to understand that gambling outcomes are unpredictable, and streaks can happen regardless of a player's skill or experience. Therefore, it is crucial to gamble responsibly and set a budget for yourself to avoid any financial difficulties.

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Wild streaks or winning streaks in casino gambling can happen due to a combination of factors, including chance, psychology, and the inherent nature of casino games. Here's why they occur:

  1. Random Chance: Most casino games, such as slot machines, roulette, and blackjack, are games of chance. They are designed with a random element that ensures no predictable outcome. As a result, players can experience winning streaks simply due to random variation.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Winning, even in small amounts, can trigger positive reinforcement in the brain. When players experience early wins, it can boost their confidence and motivation, making them more likely to continue playing and potentially extending their winning streak.
  3. Psychological Factors: Winning streaks can be influenced by various psychological factors, including a player's mindset, emotions, and risk tolerance. Some players may become more focused, optimistic, and willing to take calculated risks when they're on a winning streak.
  4. Selective Memory: Human memory tends to emphasize positive experiences while downplaying or forgetting losses. Players in the midst of a winning streak may remember their successes more vividly, making it feel like the streak is more significant than it actually is.
  5. Gambler's Fallacy: The gambler's fallacy is a cognitive bias that can lead players to believe that a losing streak is bound to be followed by a winning streak (or vice versa). In reality, each game outcome is independent of past results, and streaks are not guaranteed.
  6. Variance in Games: Casino games have inherent variance, which means that there will be natural fluctuations in wins and losses. These fluctuations can result in streaks, both positive and negative.
  7. Game Strategy: In some casino games like poker or blackjack, players can use strategy and skill to influence the outcome. Skilled players may experience winning streaks due to their strategic decisions and gameplay.
  8. Bankroll Management: Players who manage their bankroll wisely may be more likely to experience winning streaks. Responsible bankroll management helps players avoid large losses and prolong their gameplay.
  9. Hot Machines or Tables: Some players believe in the concept of "hot" machines or tables, where they think certain games or seats are more likely to produce wins. This belief can contribute to the perception of winning streaks.
  10. Casino Promotions: Casinos often offer promotions, bonuses, or free plays to incentivize players. These offers can enhance the probability of winning during the promotional period, leading to winning streaks.
